Who We Are

mimicoco is a workshop of ideas and visual experimentation, skillful in wine design, packaging and visual communication for food&wine

For more than 15 years we have sat at the same table and merged our ideas, now in the rustic setting of the historic village of Cison di Valmarino in the hills of Veneto, an environment that has allowed us to spark many ideas and build a relationship with people and soil (mimicoco are Alex & Federica). In our design work illustration and graphics overlap, our method is characterized by manual skill, understood as knowledge of techniques, observation and experimentation. We design visual identity systems for products or product lines, with a particular propensity to design for food and wine. Each project has its own specificity, we try hard to respect the identity of the companies we work with. One of the things we really like about this work is the "exchange" of knowledge, it takes maximum openness to listen and we can always keep learning. We follow all projects together because doing the same work with two different heads allows us to see it from two different perspectives. Lately, we try to make sure that one of us is more involved in some phases of the design and the other one keeps some distance to have a more critical view. One is the optimist of the two.


+39 347 30 73 445

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